Wednesday, 11 April 2012


Apparently my blog is not a full kpop blog like my friends did. as far as i remembered, i never posted something about kpop on my blog. its not that i dont want to but im too lazy to write a post. kekeke~ but i will soon . im excited to post about BIGBANG ALIVE. but maybe later. kekeke~ but for now im going to let you enjoy this beautiful bond between YG Entertainment Family. Below video was from Strong Heart filming. Strong Heart is a talkshow where artists talk about their own story ( means happen in their daily life ) They will compete with each other to tell the best story, and the best story will be awarded a trophy for telling the audience such a good & touching story. This video was from recent aired Strong Heart in korea. around two weeks ago. Actually i want to show DINOSOUR TOP to my friend. she is none other AEYU ALI. so here it is DINOTOP. enjoy, & happy watching.

1. Part 1/5
2. Part 2/5
3. Part 3/5
4. Part 4/5
5. Part 5/5


Subbed by Royal Ace Subs @

DINOTOP will appear on part 2/5. so look forward for him. kekeke. and yeahh, TOP will make you laugh . From now onwards i will post more about kpop on my blog, especially about BIGBANG cz imma VIP and i am a hardcore fan of BIGBANG. goodbye for now and i will post part 2 soon :)

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