Tuesday, 14 June 2011


who is she ? you guys must be wondered right who is the lovely girl that im gonna share. well, her name is abnerys diaz. she will turn 20 on July 29 this year. she is my pen-pal in puerto rico. i know her first when we become friends in myspace back in early 2010. we have a lots of comfortable conversations. i feel the chemistry exists between us. whats make us become friends is both of have the same interest which both of us fonds over kpop. wahhh, we shared a lot of beautiful things about kpop. i often introduce to her kpop groups and fortunately she love all my suggestions. and from that our friendship grows. we talk to each other when both of us online. well, i have some of foreign friends but she is the closest one. i talk to her alot rather than others because i find out the cozy feelings when i talk to her. she is a easy-going person and such kind-hearted person. she just like my own sister and we treat each other like the real siblings. back in 2010 i often called her kak ngah because she is the second child in her family. i really love the moments when we talk for the whole day. the time diffrence between us is 12hours. if i online here at 12pm, at there puerrto rico it is 12am. she also feel comfortable to talk about anything to me. she also told me about her relationship with her boyfriend. and also her first kiss! awwww!!!

isnt she beautiful ? she is such a great person.she concerned about me a lot and thats make me love her more eventhough we never meet in person. back in 2010 i cant contact with her for the whole year becuse i need to further studies and there is no internet access to able me online forever and talk to her. and thats how we lost contact. after sometimes finally i manage to check on my myspace account but at that time myspace was to way updated and i couldnt get myself used to it current system yet and she also did not online for the time im waiting for her to reply my messages on her myspace inbox. i even leave message on her YM but yet no repy. that was totally frustrating situation to me because i have alot to share with her. i also tried to search her name, abnerys diaz in facebook but nowhere to be found. so i just left that to the destiny. HAHA. thats sound cliche. HAHA. later on i managed to get her facebook account through my friend which he also friend with her. YEAYYY!!! finally i get to contact her, i add her right away. HAHA.

she told me before that she was in culinary & pastry studies. basically she has completed her studies and also her internship. she did mention about her moving to usa. i dont know when but she gonna live there by her own. wahh, such a independent girl. i respect her LOL. now, i havent hear news about that because she din mention to me any further details. we always comfort each other feelings. and if we had any argument about kpop things, we are free to tell each other. talk about kpop drama, new kpop songs, new variety shows. thats makes us close than before. untill now, we still being a cool friends towards each other. it is a coolest thing to have a friend like her. i really hope we can maintain this kind of relationship. dont ever forget me sis^^
 i miss you and much love for you sis <3

We used to talk everyday, now its like we don't even know each other anymore

Itu yang aku rasa sekarang. Hidup ni tak selalunya indah dan tak selalunya menjanjikan kebahagiaan. Aku minta maaf sangat pada kawan2 aku. Bukan niat aku nak jauhkan diri atau apa. Aku minta maaf sangat sebab tak jawab call, tak balas msg2 semua tu. Aku bukan sengaja tapi tak tau kenapa aku dah jadi tawar hati nak pegang hp tu. Aku nampak msg2 korg, tapi hati aku rasa lain. Aku baca msg korg tapi tak tahu kenapa aku seakan taleh nak balas msg korg. Aku sendiri pun tak tahu kenapa. tolong jangan salahkan aku. Ada orang tinggalkan msg kat inbox fb aku tanya kenapa buat macam ni, kenapa sombong sangat ? Ingat diri tu popular sangat ke sampai ada hati nak hiraukan orang lain ? Mungkin dia dah marah sangat kot pada aku. Aku tak salahkan dia pun sebab aku tahu yang bersalah hanya aku sorang je. Aku faham perasaan korang dan aku harap sangat korang faham perasaan aku gak. Mungkin ada sebab aku jadi camni tapi aku rasa bengang kenapa aku jadi camni. Korang mesti rasa aku ni tak betul kan ? Dulu aku pernah rasa apa yang korang rasa. Kawan baik aku buat camni gak kat aku. Aku rasa diri aku teruk sangat. Tapi korang jangan fikir apa yang aku buat sekarang ni sebab nak balas dendam ke apa. bukan sama sekali. Benda yang lepas tu tak ada kaitan pun dengan sekarang. Totally tak ada. Aku kena amik masa. harap korang faham sangat. Cuti ni aku banyak mendiamkan diri. kena amik masa untuk betulkan otak aku yang dah tak berfungsi ni. harap sangat korang faham. Mungkin lepas ni korang dah takkan rasa camtu lagi dah, aku akan betulkan diri aku. Dari hati yang tulus ikhlas aku mohon keampunan dari korang semua^^


yaya :)

NADIA DANIAL, maafkan saya sebab tak ada bila awak perlukan saya. bukan saya sengaja buat camtu tapi ada yang tak kena pada diri saya ni. harap awak maafkan saya. kita kawan kan ?